Knotty topology, chirality, and sustainability: interdisciplinary learning at WPI-SKCM² schools in Japan
Actuation Performance and Versatility of Photothermally Driven Organic Crystals
Interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins Praja1 and α-synuclein on gold electrodes
Wavelength dependence of linear birefringence and linear dichroism of Bi2−xPbxSr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystals
Direct capture of the alanine ghost in alanine-doped triglycine sulfate crystals
Substrate Curvature-Induced Regulation of Charge Distribution of Covalent Organic Frameworks Promotes Capacitive Deionization
Sulfonate-functionalized covalent organic frameworks for capacitive deionization
Cannabinoid CB2 receptors enhance high-fat diet evoked peripheral neuroinflammation
A serum-free culture medium production system by co-culture combining growth factor-secreting cells and l-lactate-assimilating cyanobacteria for sustainable cultured meat production
Broad‐Wavelength Light‐Fueled Organic Crystal Oscillators Driven by Multimodal Photothermally Resonated Natural Vibration
Bridged Pt−OH−Mn Mediator in N-coordinated Mn Single Atoms and Pt Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Biomolecule Oxidation and Discrimination
Mesoporous amorphous non-noble metals as versatile substrates for high loading and uniform dispersion of Pt-group single atoms
Photo-triggered Phase Transition of Crystals and Photoactuation
Giant piezoresponse in nanoporous (Ba,Ca)(Ti,Zr) O3 thin film
Insights into electrochemical paradigms for lithium extraction: Electrodialysis versus capacitive deionization
Chiral Inversion of Thalidomide During Crystal Growth by Sublimation
Effectiveness and limitation of the performance prediction of perovskite solar cells by process informatics
DeepLabCut-based daily behavioural and posture analysis in a Cricket
Pt Nanoparticle–Mn Single-Atom Pairs for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction
Negative to positive axial thermal expansion switching of an organic crystal: contribution to multistep photoactuation
Prediction of Photochromism of Salicylideneaniline Crystals Using a Data Mining Approach
Enhancing Electrocatalytic Performance via Thickness-Tuned Hollow N-Doped Mesoporous Carbon with Embedded Co Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Proliferation of mammalian cells with Chlorococcum littorale algal compounds without serum support
Functional Divergence and Origin of the Vertebrate Praja Family
Synthesis of millimeter-scale ZIF-8 single crystals and their reversible crystal structure changes
Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two ground crickets, Dianemobius fascipes nigrofasciatus and Polionemobius taprobanensis (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: trigonidiidae)
Integrative single-cell RNA-seq analysis of vascularized cerebral organoids
Graph Comparison of Molecular Crystals in Band Gap Prediction Using Neural Networks
Mesoporous multimetallic nanospheres with exposed highly entropic alloy sites
Muscle cell proliferation using water-soluble extract from nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 for sustainable cultured meat production
Covalent Immobilization of Collagen Type I to a Polydimethylsiloxane Surface for Preventing Cell Detachment by Retaining Collagen Molecules under Uniaxial Cyclic Mechanical Stretching Stress
Heat-flux-driven Rotation of Cholesteric Droplets Dispersed in Glycerol
Open-Mouthed Hollow Carbons: Systematic Studies as Cobalt- and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Spatial and Sexual Divergence of Gut Bacterial Communities in Field Cricket Teleogryllus occipitalis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
Broad-Wavelength Light-Driven High-Speed Hybrid Crystal Actuators Actuated Inside Tissue-Like Phantoms
Molecular screening for solid–solid phase transitions by machine learning
Unraveling the Structural and Property Differences between Highly Similar Chiral and Racemic Crystals Composed of Analogous Molecules
Ferroelectric properties of triglycine sulfate crystals doped with glycine analogs
Mechanical properties and peculiarities of molecular crystals
Genome and Genetic Engineering of the House Cricket (Acheta domesticus): A Resource for Sustainable Agriculture
An octopamine receptor involved in feeding behavior of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch: a possible candidate for RNAi-based pest control
Photothermally induced natural vibration for versatile and high-speed actuation of crystals
Data on the solution and processing time reached when constructing
a phylogenetic tree using a quantum-inspired computer
Au-Loaded Superparamagnetic Mesoporous Bimetallic CoFeB Nanovehicles for Sensitive Autoantibody Detection
Debonding-on-demand adhesives based on
photo-reversible cycloaddition reactions
Cobalt phthalocyanine-based conjugated polymer as efficient and exclusive
electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction to ethanol
Phylogenetic tree
reconstruction via graph cut presented using a quantum-inspired
Chiroptical Studies on Anisotropic Condensed Matter: Principle and Recent Applications of the Generalized-High Accuracy Universal Polarimeter
Porous Nanoarchitectures of Nonprecious Metal Borides: From Controlled Synthesis to Heterogeneous Catalyst Applications
Tuning iron spin states in single-atom nanozymes enables efficient peroxidase mimicking
‡: These authors contributed equally to this work.
Photo-conversion of
self-assembled structures into continuous covalent structures via
[2 + 2]-cycloaddition reactions.
Actuation Switching by Crystal Thickness and Light
Template-Based Synthesis of Mesoporous Phosphorus- and Boron-Codoped
NiFe-Based Alloys for Efficient Oxygen Evolution
Flexible organic crystals. Understanding the tractable co-existence of elastic and plastic bending
New Trends
in Nanoarchitectured SERS Substrates: Nanospaces, 2D Materials, and
Organic Heterostructures
Framework-Derived Graphene Mesh: a Robust Scaffold for Highly Exposed
Fe–N4 Active Sites toward an Excellent Oxygen Reduction
Catalyst in Acid Media
structure analysis of non-deuterated triglycine sulfate by neutron
diffraction at 20 and 298 K: a new disorder model for the 298 K
Microwave One-pot Synthesis of CNTs-Supported Amorphous
Ni-P Alloy Nanoparticles with Enhanced Hydrogenation
Direct feature extraction from two-dimensional X-ray
diffraction images of semiconductor thin films for fabrication
Giant Optical Anisotropy in High Temperature
Superconducting Cuprate
Amorphous Alloy Architectures in Pore Walls: Mesoporous Amorphous NiCoB
Alloy Spheres with Controlled Compositions via a Chemical
Magnetically induced synthesis of mesoporous amorphous CoB nanochains
for efficient selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde to cinnamyl
Valence Band Modification of a
Solid Solution System Fabricated by Combinatorial
Age-dependent Alteration in Mitochondrial Dynamics and
Autophagy in Hippocampal Neuron of Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor-deficient
The Draft Genome Dataset of the Asian Cricket Teleogryllus
occipitalis for Molecular Research Toward
Theoretical study on stabilization and destabilization
of magnetic skyrmions by uniaxial-strain-induced anisotropic
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions
Crystal actuator based on a thermal phase transition and
photothermal effect
Cereblon-mediated degradation of the amyloid precursor
protein via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
Block copolymer-templated electrodeposition of
mesoporous Au-Ni alloy films with tunable composition
Mesoporous Metal–Metalloid Amorphous Alloys: The First
Synthesis of Open 3D Mesoporous Ni‐B Amorphous Alloy Spheres via a Dual
Chemical Reduction Method
Immunohistochemical characterization of phosphorylated
ubiquitin in the mouse hippocampus
Determination of the Faraday rotation perpendicular to
the optical axis in uniaxial CeF3 crystal by using the
Generalized-High Accuracy Universal Polarimeter
Mammalian cell cultivation using nutrients extracted
from microalgae
Statistical Modeling of Photo-Bending Actuation of
Hybrid Silicones Mixed with Azobenzene Powder
Data for positive selection test and co-evolutionary
analysis on mammalian cereblon
Photomechanical Azobenzene Crystals
Effect of Heating and Cooling Rates in Annealing for
Preparation of L10-FePt Nanoparticles on Si Substrate
Achiral amino acid glycine acts as an origin of
homochirality in asymmetric autocatalysis
Positive Selection of Cereblon Modified Function
Including its E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity and Binding Efficiency with
Photo-triggered phase transition of a
Microscopic magnetization distribution of Bloch lines in
a uniaxial magnet
Electrochemical Synthesis of Mesoporous Au–Cu Alloy
Films with Vertically Oriented Mesochannels Using Block Copolymer
Trimetallic Mesoporous AuCuNi Electrocatalysts with
Controlled Compositions Using Block Copolymer Micelles as
Homoeolog expression bias in allopolyploid oleaginous
marine diatom Fistulifera solaris
Simulation-aided development of magnetic-aligned
compaction process with pulsed magnetic field
Electrochemical deposition of large-sized mesoporous
nickel films using polymeric micelles
Nafion®-coated mesoporous Pd film toward remarkably
enhanced detection of lactic acid
Comprehensive analysis of triacylglycerol lipases in the
oleaginous diatom Fistulifera solaris JPCC DA0580 with transcriptomics
under lipid degradation
Coercivity Recovery Effect of Sm-Fe-Cu-Al Alloy on
Two-step photomechanical motion of a dibenzobarrelene
Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7 as a target
molecule of Arctic mutant amyloid β
Antioxidant activity of Ge-132, a synthetic organic
germanium, on cultured mammalian cells
Consolidation of Sm2Fe17N3magnets with Sm-based eutectic
alloy binder
Walking and rolling of crystals induced thermally by
phase transition
The Neuroprotective Effect of Thalidomide against
Ischemia through the Cereblon-mediated Repression of AMPK
A dual-ligand-modulable fluorescent protein based on
UnaG and calmodulin
Chiroptical Study on Organic Crystals Using the
Two Distinct Fluorescence States of the Ligand-Induced
Green Fluorescent Protein UnaG
Optical Activity Anisotropy of Benzil
Arctic Aβ40 blocks the nicotine-induced neuroprotective
effect of CHRNA7 by inhibiting the ERK1/2 pathway in human neuroblastoma
Fabrication of Mesoporous Cu Films on Cu Foils and Their
Applications to Dopamine Sensing
Continuous Mesoporous Pd Films by Electrochemical
Deposition in Nonionic Micellar Solution
Block-Copolymer-Assisted Electrochemical Synthesis of
Mesoporous Gold Electrodes: Towards a Non-Enzymatic Glucose
Chiral Sensing with Mesoporous Pd@Pt
LC-MS/MS and chiroptical spectroscopic analyses of
multi-dimensional metabolic systems of chiral thalidomide and its
Accurate measurement of the optical activity of alanine
crystals and the determination of their absolute
Fast-type high-accuracy universal polarimeter using
charge-coupled device spectrometer
Reversible Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Phase
Transition of Chiral Salicylidenephenylethylamine
Crystal-to-crystal photo-reversible polymerization
mechanism of bis-thymine derivative
Optical Activity and Optical Anisotropy in
Photomechanical Crystals of Chiral
Ohgata, the Single Drosophila Ortholog of Human
Cereblon, Regulates Insulin Signaling-Dependent Organismic
Solid-State Photochemical Reaction of Multisubstituted
Thymine Derivatives
Mitochondrial cereblon functions as a Lon-type
Nuclear cereblon modulates transcriptional activity of
Ikaros and regulates its downstream target, enkephalin, in human
neuroblastoma cells
Mechanical motion of molecular crystals induced by [4 +
4] photodimerisation
Mechanical Motion of Chiral Azobenzene Crystals with
Twisting upon Photoirradiation
Absolute Structure Determination of Chiral Crystals
Consisting of Achiral Benzophenone with Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction
and Its Correlation with Solid-State Circular Dichroism
Microwave Effect on Fischer
Interfacial effects on the crystallization and surface
properties of poly(l-lactic acid) ultrathin films
Cereblon is recruited to aggresome and shows
cytoprotective effect against ubiquitin-proteasome system
Model of complex chiral drug metabolic systems and
numerical simulation of the remaining chirality toward analysis of
dynamical pharmacological activity
Crystal structure of
Self-disproportionation of Enantiomers of Thalidomide
and its Fluorinated Analogue via Gravity-driven Achiral Chromatography:
Mechanistic Rationale and Implications
A high-accuracy universal polarimeter study of optical
anisotropy and optical activity in laminated collagen
Arctic mutatn Aβ40 aggregates on α7 nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors and inhibits their functions
Quantitative analysis with advanced compensated
polarized light microscopy on wavelength dependence of linear
birefringence of single crystals causing arthritis
A label-free electrical assay of fibrous amyloid β based
on semiconductor biosensing
Metastable Liquid Crystal as Time-Responsive Reaction
Medium: Aging-Induced Dual Enantioselective Control
Construction of photoenergetic mitochondoria in cultured
mammalian cells
Selective Molecular Permeability Induced by Glass
Transition Dynamics of Semicrystalline Polymer Ultrathin
Absolute chirality of the γ-polymorph of glycine:
correlation of the absolute structure with the optical
An application of the advanced high-accuracy universal
polarimeter to the chiroptical measurement of an intercalated compound
K4Nb6O17 with high anisotropy
Transparent, tough collagen laminates prepared by
oriented flow casting, multi-cyclic vitrification and chemical
Buffers to suppress sodium dodecyl sulfate adsorption to
polyethylene oxide for protein separation on capillary polymer